In the middle of the room is a holographic terrain map which displays the local topography as a blue wireframe, and the camera drones within the Scanner Room's scan radius as green dots, regardless of whether the scanner is active. The display panel incorporates a circular screen (the drone controls) and a menu (the scanner controls). The Scanner Room's interior has three interactive components: two are parts of a display on one wall, while the other is a Mini-Fabricator and four Upgrade Module slots on the opposite wall. It does not support any form of vertical connection. Hatches or Windows can be placed on the Scanner Room's end panels, but not Reinforcements.
It will automatically join to any suitable module on the same horizontal level at close range, generating a short length of corridor in which Bulkheads cannot be built. These are indicated by rectangular blanking plates which can be used to help orient it: it is often necessary to use the rotate function when building one to get it at the proper angle. The Scanner Room in construction terms functions like a I Compartment: while it is circular in form, only two sides are connectors.